Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lotsa Pictures

We woke up this morning to thunder and rain, so figured it'd be a good day to finally post pictures. These are mainly pics from our guests as well as a couple we took. When we get the pro. ones, we'll post them on our wedding web site!

Vacation hats on! Waiting in the airport to head to Jamaica.


Part of the hotel

Josh cliff jumping from practically the moment we got to Rockhouse

Snorkeling with Leila and Pete

A rainy but fun welcome cocktail reception that Lynn threw

Terry, Larry, Josh, and Paul

Richie, our favorite bartender

The fam

Bridesmaids rehearsing

Heather and I at the rehearsal dinner at Irie on the Beach

Josh, Lauren, me, and Kevin

Me and my girls bridge jumping the day of the wedding


Signing the official Jamaican marriage certificate - not really sure if Georgia recognizes this or not...

Good luck, right?

The wedding party

Soaked program

Pretty sunset

Lou and Heather

Leila and Pete

The steel drum band

Father-daughter/mother-son dance

Melissa signing our guest love list book

OMG - did we really just do this?

Lori, Dominic, and me

Nancy, Brian, and Larry

Laura, Terry, and Lynn T.

Lynn and Aunt Susan getting down

Elizabeth doing that booty thang

Beyonce's got nothing on us

Go girls!

Jayme ready for some cake

Us ready for some cake

The Day After

Double rainbows the morning after our wedding - we'll take that as a good sign!

After the bridge jump

The spa at Rockhouse

Foot soak

Soaking our feets getting ready for our couples massage, which was on the cliffs in a cute little hut, much needed, and amazing - thanks Aunt Susan!

Rick's Cafe for sunset, cliff diver watching, and overpriced dinner on Sunday for those who couldn't bear to leave Jamaica that morning

The boats gathered at Rick's

Josh flip-diving at Rick's

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