Friday, December 18, 2009

Guest blogging

Cali and I got to guest blog this week on Coffee with a Canine! Now we're totally internet famous.

Monday, December 14, 2009


"You must have confusion in your heart to give birth to stars."
- Nietzsche

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Got this yesterday to mark my 5 years of "importance" to the company. It's plastic. And a paperweight.

Nice, huh?


Halloween meant house hopping for us this year. So much house hopping in fact that we kinda forgot to take many pictures. We got a few, so here they are! (No Cali costume this year - she wasn't feeling it.)

Josh as Lt. Aldo Raine from Inglorious Basterds

Me, not nearly busty enough, as Joan from MadMen

Eric as Marty from Back to the Future - love it!

One of Josh's former students as a pimp bear with a cat

Chris and Dana Slap Chopping it up

Merrill's Hall and Oates tribute band, the Maneasters


Judson as Dexter in his kill/keg room

Omar and Lori

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Elvis baby!

Whew, it's been a while since I posted. I guess my life has been kinda boring lately. BUT it got interesting about 2 weeks ago when I got to go to Memphis for an AIGA design conference.

The conference was awesome! Met some cool people, heard awesome speakers, pseudo-stalked Stefan Sagmeister (but not in a crazy sort of way!), and had some really bad for you food. Didn't get to see as much live music as I would have liked, but it was a great trip overall!

Lunch at Dyer's on Beale Street the first day - definitely set the tone for the trip - grease, grease, and more grease. Supposedly, they've been using the same frying oil for about 100 years, and when they moved locations, they had the oil moved under the protection of security.

Rob and Chris

Awesome flaming Elvis

One of 3 Gibson factories in the country - we toured it.

First night out, which resulted in me being hungover the rest of the weekend.

Hatch Show Print samples

Hands on fun with Hatch

A Memphis elementary school choir performing at the conference - they were amazing!

Waited about an hour to eat at this place! For lunch!

Ta-da! (It was pretty good.)

Jane Grimmet and Rob enjoying it

Our very own personal conference Elvis impersonator

Beale Street Take 2

Chris and the guy he found to follow us around

Beale St.

The ducks at Peabody Place - they live there and walk off the elevators into the fountain every day at 11am and then back out at 5pm.


Elvis's pink Cadillac


Front of the house.

Elvis's living room - love the peacocks!


Priscilla and Lisa Marie

The shooting range, attached to the garage

Some of the ridiculous amount of gold records there

My most favorited outfit.

One of the 2 planes, complete with 14k gold seatbelt buckles

See ya Elvis!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Real food real hot

On a hot Labor Day, Josh and I went out to Piedmont Park to join Rogue Apron and support real food in schools. Slow Food USA has waived their membership fee this month, so join and show your support!

The start of the Poster Parade

Poster Parade

Rogue Apron's Tent City

Duane, Josh, and Lady Rogue enjoying the food and the signs

Singing the real food song

Labor Day Dragons

In Atlanta, Labor Day means the freaks come out. It's DragonCon, and it's craziness. The best people watching of the year!

Vampire Obi Wan (I think?) loves some Red Stripe with a straw

Le Sexoflex getting their performance on

Josh with a sexy Matthew that I decided was dressed as Jessica Rabbit

Sooo crowded!

Matt and Judson (I have no idea what they are)

Princess Bride - one of the best movies ever!

Steam punk people?? or something like that

Josh with female bender

The Beatles

Matt and some guys in tights