Friday, April 24, 2009

omg omg so excited about Tim Ferriss!

In honor of Tim Ferriss coming to speak here next week:

“It’s not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.”
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Thought for the day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

WWE Raw!

Okay, I know everyone feared that redneckedness was seeping in when I went to a car race or two and then fell in love with MonsterTruck. Well, I guess I've now gone full-on Southerner because last night I went to WWE Raw! Let me first say that the tickets were free. But let me next say that it was one of the most amazing things I've ever been to in my life!

Now, I've been out of the North for a while which means the sporting events I go to here do not even compare to Philly. No one gives a crap about the pro teams here, so the stadiums are always half-empty, and the fans are always half-assed. But, holy crap, I've never seen Philips Arena so packed out and full of energy! The fans are insanely dedicated and pumped up, and WWE is brilliant in their marketing and staging. They've basically made a soap opera for men and kids (and rednecks). The drama and story lines and plotting and betrayals and team oppositions are just as important as the actual wrestling matches. I haven't boo-ed so much since my last Eagles game a few years ago!

Check it out:

Not one empty seat

Michael Grover, Lindsey Kelso, Ryan Jerwers

Me and Lindsey looking fierce

Lots of fire and dramatics when the wrestlers made their appearances

Masked wrestler coming out

Get 'er done!

The amount of signs was insane

The Miz fighting Koffee

Battle Royal - 15-man 3-team brawl. Check out Big Show on the left - he headbutted everyone in that ring.