Sunday, August 29, 2010

For the best

Whew, it's been a while! Sorry, interwebs, I've been busy, and I've neglected you.

So much to update! I got laid off in July. It was ... willed to happen, I think. I was miserable, and put it out there in the universe, and it was the wrong decision for my boss to make, but he did it anyway. (I think even he was a little confused as to why he did it.) The power of desire, huh?

Since then I've been freelancing (literally from the day after I got laid off) and reveling in not doing the death march every day, and then last week, I started a 3-month contract with an awesome small local ad agency! So I'm very excited and nervous and hopeful that this is a much better place for me.

Other updates:

Writing - My piece ran in ReadyMade!!!

Woohoo! So exciting! And I keep meaning to pitch some more stories, but it hasn't yet happened...

Dog collars - Gawd, these things are taking forever. This endeavor is a fight. I've been pushing my vendor to push their factory, and then I get the answer I want, but nothing happens. So then I check in with the vendor, and oh yeah, there's all these issues that he forgot to address with me 2 months ago. This is par for the course. So it's back and forth, back and forth, and I just keep fighting and pushing and keeping my fingers crossed. I should get my first sample in the next few weeks, so we'll see... The goal is to have product in stores for the Christmas holiday shopping season, which we're really cutting close at this point.

Other business venture - Sigh. This one is biting the dust, I'm sad to say. This was actually going to be my main focus when I lost my job. I figured I had 3 months of severance to focus solely on getting this project off the ground and giving it a go. Ha! No way. Other opportunities kept presenting themselves - ones that actually paid money - and this project got pushed down on the priority scale lower and lower. C'est la vie.

Finances - This category is seemingly in good shape! Getting laid off and getting severance is giving me the opportunity to basically earn dual income for several months. And throw all that into savings and at debt. Mainly saving at this point. Especially since after this 3-month contract ends, I have no idea what's next! Especially, since that puts me back at unemployed at the beginning of December. Not especially the best time to find a new job.

Lady Rogue Business Network - We've been busting it on this! Our big event day is Sept. 25, less than a month away. We have gotten a ton of amazing speakers to commit to participating, and now we're starting to sell tickets. Hopefully the response will be good!

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